Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Not My Kind of Movie!


After discussing my feelings about the movie Michael Clayton, I am wondering what types of movies does everyone NOT like. For example, I can see the movie Michael Clayton being one that people enjoy with really good acting, but I just didn't like it. I was bored. In short, law suspense movies are not my kind of movie.


Blogger Wicked Little Critta said...

Oh, there are so many!
1. predictable movies. I mean, to the point of knowing exactly what will happen next. Rom coms tend to run this way...
2. films that rely on humor like bathroom talk, or men getting hit in the balls.
3. films in which everything goes wrong for a main character (e.g. Meet the Parents or Dan in Real Life).

5:57 PM  
Blogger Neal Paradise said...

for me, movies that aren't my bag are ones that take their artsy-ness way too far; movies that are so obsessed with making a meaningful, artistic statement that they forget such basic elements like having a plot, having convincing characters, or making any kind of sense. David Lynch is especially guilty of making those kind of movies.

also, non-linear storytelling annoys me. it's all well and good to have things like flashbacks, but when a movie ignores the beginning-middle-end paradigm, i get frustrated.

to sum up these two things, i don't like it when movies take logic and chuck it out the window.

8:07 PM  
Blogger Dr. Worm said...

I don't like horror. Basically, I don't like blood, and I don't much love being scared.

But I think that's the only genre that I tend to dismiss out of hand. Teeny-bopper flicks and romantic comedies tend to have a very high potential for suckitude, but I'd like either of those kinds of movies done well.

10:48 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

It goes without saying that RomComs and teenage comedies are usually pretty suck. I'm right there with WLC about Main Character Abuse movies. I'm also not partial to stuff like the Farrelly Bros (post-Kingpin) where they take they piss out of some kind of malady or condition, then think it's ok if they turn it into some kind of half-baked "message movie". Shallow Hal comes to mind as a particularly bad offender. After watching that, I'm all set with any other Farrelly Bros movies.

I also don't like slow period pieces (Barry Lyndon, anything by Merchant-Ivory)

9:10 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

Arrrgh.....4 comments for 4 bloggers????? We need to stir things up some around here.....it's been way, way too peaceful....

3:26 PM  

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