The Oscars have stood the test of time, and getting an Oscar clearly means a lot of prestige. Speaking of prestige,
The Prestige got no Oscars this year. I've watched the film again, and all I can say is "WHY?!?" It SHOULD have been nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay, and should have won, because it just barely had the edge over
The Departed. Christian Bale should have been nominated for Best Actor (or maybe Best Supporting). I'm not sure he should have beaten Forrest Whitaker, but he certainly would have blown away all the nominees in Supporting. Lastly,
The Prestige should have been recognized for the great film it is by getting a nod for Best Picture, as well as Chris Nolan receiving one for Best Director. I won't argue that they should have won those nods, but they should have at least been
So here's my question. Why do you think
The Prestige was snubbed? For that matter, if you can think of any other Oscar snubs, what do you think the reasoning behind
those was?